SecuLam BR1
Allplast’s SecuLam BR1 is a lightweight, all-polymer transparent laminate, designed to offer protection according to standard EN1063 level BR1 (No Spall). SecuLam
BR1 can withstand multiple impacts by a .22 LR bullet, without any fragmentation on the inside of the product. This makes it a safe product for a wide range of applications. Additionally, the all-polymer composition makes sure that see-through capability is maintained after impact.
Being the lightest bullet-resistant product in our range, SecuLam BR1 is perfectly suitable for eye- and face protection and other applications where weight and thickness are significant issues. SecuLam BR1 can also serve as a basis for any custom-designed fragment resistant product, like EOD and mine disposal gear.

SecuLam BR2
Allplast’s SecuLam BR2 is designed to withstand multiple impacts by the commonly used 9 x 19 mm Parabellum bullet, according to standard EN1063 level BR2 (No Spall). This bullet is used in a wide range of hand guns and submachine guns.
SecuLam BR2 is a lightweight, all-polymer transparent laminate which makes it suitable for a wide range of applications like bullet resistant visors, shields and glazing.
The all-polymer composition makes sure that see-through capability is maintained after impact and that fragmentation on the inside does not occur. It is a good alternative to glass-laminates, which do not offer the same see-through capabilities after impact. To increase usability, this full-polymer laminate contains a scratch-resistant coating on the outsides.

SecuLam BR3
Allplast’s SecuLam BR3 offers protection according to standard EN1063 level BR3 (No Spall). This means that it can withstand the heavy .357 Magnum bullet. Being an all-polymer laminate, SecuLam BR3 is a lightweight, thin, multi-hit resistant product which does not allow spalling on impact. The all-polymer composition makes sure that see-through capability is maintained after impact.
SecuLam BR3’s excellent no-spalling qualities make it suitable for highly protective face shields, vehicle glazing and building glazing. The product has a two-sided anti-scratch coating.

SecuLam BR4/SG2
Allplast’s SecuLam BR4/SG2 is currently the ultimate full-polymer transparent laminate we have to offer. Being one of the lightest laminates in its class, this product offers protection against some of the heaviest handgun threats known today. SecuLam BR4/SG2 has been successfully tested against multiple impacts with both the powerful .44 Magnum round and the extremely heavy “Brenneke” shotgun slug.
Being an all-polymer laminate, SecuLam BR4/SG2 is lightweight, thin, multi-hit resistant and does not create spall on impact. A high level of see-through capability is maintained after impact.
Developed to deal with the heaviest handgun threats, Allplast’s SecuLam BR4/SG2 is perfectly suited for applications in vehicle glazing, building glazing and personal protection products like entry shields.

SecuLam AK
The infamous AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle is still widely used throughout the world and is considered a realistic threat in many military and even civilian applications. Allplast has developed a unique laminate that will defeat this common threat. Our SecuLam AK-laminate was designed to cope with the 7.62 x 39 MSC rifle bullet and was subsequently tested according to EN1063.
This “special” product is a versatile, lightweight product which is suitable for a wide range of applications. A high multi-hit performance is achieved by using an effective combination of polymers and glass. Like all of our bullet resistant laminates, SecuLam AK has a spall layer, which prevents the fragmentation occurring on the back side of the panel during impact.

SecuLam BR6
The 7.62 x 51 NATO Ball bullet is a very common rifle bullet used in a variety of firearms. Allplast’s SecuLam BR6 offers protection against this bullet according to EN1063 BR6 NS. Its glass/polymer composition made it possible to achieve a high ballistic performance together with a very low weight and thickness.
As with all SecuLam bullet resistant laminates in the EN1063 range a multi-hit capacity of at least 3 shots has been proven. Special layers limit the frontal damage during impact, while spall layers at the back prevent the ejection of any spall on the rear side of the laminate.
SecuLam BR6 is suitable for a wide variety of both military and civilian applications where rifle threats can be expected. Examples are: vehicles, embassies and guard posts.

SecuLam BR7
The EN1063 BR7 NS protection level requires that the very powerful 7.62 x 51 NATO Armour Piercing round is defeated. This bullet has an extremely hard core, giving it even more penetration power than the standard NATO Ball-bullet. Armour piercing bullets like this one are often encountered on the military battlefield.
Allplast’s SecuLam BR7 laminate is capable of dealing with multiple hits from this bullet. For this armour piercing threat, Allplast developed a unique combination of materials, making our BR7-laminate one of the lightest ones available today.
Allplast has developed two variants, both of which have passed the EN1063 standard. The heavier composition will be recommended by us when an even higher multi-hit performance is desired.
SecuLam BR7 can be applied wherever there is a need for extremely high anti-firearm protection. Examples are: military and civilian vehicles, embassies and guard posts.

SecuLam ST1
Specially designed for use in military vehicles, Allplast’s ST1 laminate provides protection against the 7.62 x 51 NATO round, according to STANAG 4569 level I for transparent armour. This laminate can take 4 consecutive hits with a 120 mm spacing, without creating spall on the inside. As an indication of our high standards, our ST-range products have all been tested at extreme temperatures (-40 degrees to +49 degrees Celsius) to ensure the anti-ballistic performance of our products at extreme conditions. With this additional testing done, these laminates can be confidently used in all thinkable conditions.
Using unique combinations of materials, we created a dependable and lightweight product that will make a difference in vehicle applications where performance and weight are critical.

SecuLam ST2
With the SecuLam ST2, military vehicles can be protected against the armour piercing variant of one of the most infamous bullets, the 7.62 x 39, as used in the popular AK47 assault rifle. This armour piercing bullet has even more penetration power than the standard 7.62 x 39 bullet. To make things even more challenging, the particular bullet used in the ballistic tests also contains incendiary material to inflict additional damage to its target.
Certified according to STANAG 4569 level II 7.62 x 39 API (Armour Piercing Incendiary), this laminate provides multi-hit performance for extremely demanding applications. This laminate has also been tested for a wide temperature range, making it suitable for many military vehicle applications.
Allplast’s SecuLam ST2 is lightweight and offers a no-spall protection; special layers prevent fragmentation at the back of the laminate, making it safer for vehicle occupants.

SecuLam ST3
To offer protection against some of the heaviest firearm threats, Allplast has developed high-performance vehicle glazing according to STANAG 4569 level III. Within this protection level, two ammunition types are defined: 7.62 x 51 NATO AP and 7.62 x 54R Dragunov Armour Piercing. Both bullets are high-energy rifle bullets with armour piercing capabilities. Used in e.g. sniper rifles, these bullets are among the highest firearm threats encountered today. Allplast has developed protective glazing for both ammunition variants and had them additionally tested at extreme temperatures.
SecuLam ST3a offers has been tested against the 7.62 x 54R B32 API Dragunov. SecuLam ST3b is able to withstand the 7.62 x 51 AP WC Core-round. In both cases, 4 consecutive impacts in a 120mm-spacing pattern were defeated. Both laminates have additionally proved their reliability during ballistic tests at -40 degrees Celsius.
As with our other ST-laminates, the ST3-variants are relatively lightweight and offer a no-spall protection. Special layers prevent fragmentation on both the impact side and the inside of the laminate.

SecuLam P6B
Allplast has developed its own anti-burglary glazing according to standard EN356. Our goal has been to come up with extremely thin and lightweight products, which do not require special handling or maintenance. The result is a range of products that cover the top level of anti-burglary protection, starting with our SecuLam P6B laminate.
SecuLam P6B is lightweight, thin and scratch resistant due to its glass surfaces
on both inside and outside. Interlayers keep glass fragmentation to a minimum. Tests have proven its high resistance against forced entry attempts with a hammer and axe. Thermally insulated versions of this product are available.
Our laminates can also be used in other applications, such as industrial safety glazing. For such applications, custom products can even be designed.

SecuLam P7B
Allplast’s SecuLam P7B offers even more resistance to forced entry. Having a slightly heavier composition than our P6B variant, this product has achieved the higher P7B rating according to standard EN356.
SecuLam P7B is lightweight, thin and scratch resistant due to its glass surface layers. No special maintenance is required. Thermally insulated versions of this product are available.

SecuLam P8B
The SecuLam P8B laminate is our toughest anti-burglary product. Tests have shown that it is virtually impossible to defeat it with both a hammer and an axe. This product has achieved the highest possible rating according to the EN356 standard. The P8B classification makes this the product of choice when maximum protection is needed.
SecuLam P8B is lightweight, relatively thin and scratch resistant due to its glass surface layers. No special maintenance is required. Thermally insulated versions of this product are available.

SecuLam Impact
Allplast has developed an extremely thin glass-polymer laminate which has some very impressive mechanical properties. It has a very high impact resistance, together with a very high static and dynamic pressure resistance. The extremely low weight of this strong laminate makes it especially suitable for automotive applications. The high impact resistance offers protection against vandalism, impacting objects and burglary attempts. Such qualities are often needed in (high speed) trains, police cars, buses, ambulances, etc.
Thermally insulated versions of this product are available; there is also a possibility to apply coatings and screen prints.

Anti-ballistic products
For several years Allplast has been involved in the development of applications and products that involve the use of thermoplastic composite materials. These materials often consist of stretched polymer tapes, co-extruded or laminated onto a thermoplastic “resin”. Both resin and tape can be of the same material. This holds advantages for both production and end-of-life.
Some thermoplastic composite materials are very suited for anti-ballistic applications like shields or body armour. These materials combine a high stiffness and strength of the tapes with a low specific weight; the result is lightweight armour that can be made in a wide variety of shapes.
Allplast has been developing anti-ballistic protection products out of PE- and PP-based materials, especially for autoclave processing. Examples are fragment resistant cases, shields and trauma plates. Custom products can be developed according to a wide range of standards.

Functional laminates
The autoclave lamination process is perfectly suited for laminating technical parts such as solar cells, foils and electronics. The pressures and temperatures can be exactly regulated, making it possible to produce high quality products. Allplast has developed ways to laminate many different products between layers of glass and polymers. This makes it possible to create a wide range of interesting products. We also use this experience to add value to our existing laminates, for instance by integrating heating foil or switchable foils into our glazing products.
Some examples of our possibilities:
• Heating foil for bullet resistant vehicle glazing and ships
• Solar foil in building glazing
• Switchable foil (transparent to non-transparent)
• Solar cells
• Electronic components
• Sensors
• Electrical wiring and circuits
SecuLam VV
SecuLam VV ist derzeit das ultimative, vollkunststoff, transparente Laminat, was wir bieten können.
Als ein der leichtesten Laminate in seiner Klasse, bietet dieses Produkt Schutz gegen einige der härtesten Waffebedrohungen wie heute bekannt ist.
SecuLam VV wurde erfolgreich auf mehrere Effekte sowohl mit dem leistungsfähigen .44 Magnum Pistole, als auch mit einer sehr schweren Brenneke Jagdgewehr getestet.
SecuLam VV ist ein vollständiges Kunststoff-Laminat. Es ist leicht, dünn, Multiwärmebeständig und
es gibt beim Einschlag keine Zersplitterung, so dass es immer eine Sicht von hohem Niveau gibt.
Entwickelt um die schwersten Bedrohungen und Gefahren abzuhalten, welche aus Arbeit in der Boden- und Straßenbau hervorgehen, ist SecuLam VV perfekt geeignet für Anwendungen als Fahrzeugscheibe (wie bei Bagger Maschinen, Löffelbagger und dergleichen mehr),
da wo Sicherheit und Personenschutz erforderlich sind.